

Useful Materials


Research on theoretical basis of actuarial science is mainly conducted by academic personnel in the two major universities offering actuarial educational programmes. Lecturers in these programmes have many years of teaching and research experience in actuarial science, and have strong academic and professional qualifications such as Fellow or Associate of the Society of Actuaries. Many actuarial articles have been published on various top journals in the field of actuarial science. The universities also have actuarial researchers from other universities in Mainland China and abroad as regular visitors to exchange research information.

Research on practical topics has also been conducted by practicing actuaries and their research findings are usually delivered in the conferences and seminars organized by the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong and / or other actuarial organizations. The Actuarial Society of Hong Kong has also been conducting mortality studies for the Hong Kong insurance industry. The following list provides brief description of the research projects undertaken by the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong.

  • A Study of the Optimal Investment Strategy for Insurance Portfolio
  • Actuarial Science and Finance Models with Dependent Risks
  • Actuarial Study of Dependent Risks: Analysis and Applications
  • Analyses of Correlated Aggregate Claims in a Book of Insurance Business
  • Analyses of Insurance Risk Models with Dividend Payments
  • Embedded Options in Insurance Products and Optimal Policies for Insurance Portfolios under Markovian Regime Switching Model
  • Insurance and Financial Risks: Actuarial Science Approaches
  • Investment Risk Related Problems in Actuarial Science
  • On the Joint Distribution of Surplus Prior and After Ruin
  • On Some Actuarial Problems for Risk Models with Dependence
  • Optimal Asset Allocation Problems under the Discrete-Time Regime-Switching Model
  • Parametric Survival Models for Mortality Tables
  • Risk Measures in Finance and Insurance
  • Risk Theory for Insurance Risk Models with Stochastic Return on Investments
  • Ruin Analyses of Two Insurance Risk Models
  • Some Actuarial Science and Finance Problems under Markovian Regime Switching Models
  • Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall under a Model with Market and Credit Risk